You have to get hits to score runs. Get more hits consistently and increase the power of your hitting with personalized softball instruction at America’s Pastime Sports in Albuquerque.
Our Approach to Softball Hitting Instruction

With a pitching mound closer to the plate, batters have less time to swing in softball. That means to make quality contact, hitters need to shorten their swing rotation. To achieve that, hitters need clean, simple body mechanics—a balanced stance and a quick and powerful body rotation to drive the ball. That’s the focus of softball hitting instruction.
Personalized Softball Hitting Instruction
The softball coaches at America’s Pastime Sports have experience working with players of all ages—youth all the way up to aspiring Olympians and professionals. They tailor softball hitting instruction to the player’s age and ability level. To know where to start, coaches begin lessons with an assessment of the player’s mechanics and swing.
More than Mechanics
Softball hitting lessons cover much more than body mechanics and timing. Lessons also including instruction to help players see the ball, stay focused and assess the most effective use for their at-bat. Our instructors help athletes become strategic offensive players—players who can hit and who know when to hit.
Preparing for Your Softball Hitting Lessons
Private instruction takes place in our non-machine cages. In order to make the most of your scheduled time, we recommend players come prepared by with the right equipment* and arrive early to warm up.
*America’s Pastime Sports does have house softball gear—bats and helmets—for use during hitting lessons. However, players are welcome to bring their own if they prefer.
Schedule Your One-on-One Softball Hitting Lessons
Whether you want to drop-in for a single session or want to create an intensive training program, America’s Pastime Sports is the place for quality softball hitting instruction. Our coaches have the experience to help you take your ability to the next level.
Schedule your softball hitting lessons today. Call us at 505.227.8880 to select your instructor, date and time from home. Get discounts on lessons and indoor batting cage rental by signing up for one of our individual membership packages.
For questions about private softball lessons or for directions to our northeast Albuquerque location, please contact us.
Make every at-bat more effective with private softball hitting lessons! Call 505.227.8880 for more information!
Shaping today’s youth with America’s past at America’s Pastime Sports!